
Teaching Methodology » Caring & Sharing

Caring & Sharing

In a boarding school it is possible to place greater emphasis on the care of every individual than can normally be feasible within the limited time available to a day school. We do not aim to produce a type but rather a well rounded individual who shows both determination to do things well together with courtesy and consideration for others.

There is a great range of activities available to occupy boys and girls in the evenings and weekends, so none of them should ever be bored. School provides all the facilities during these times, including the Sports Centre, Art Centre, Library and Computing suites. In addition, there are organized outings every weekend and expeditions and field trips every term.
We aim to teach pupils self-discipline. Standards of behaviour are expected to be high. Those who misbehave may lose some freedoms or privileges for a period of time. But the emphasis within the school is on encouragement. We expect our pupils to do well and we take every opportunity to congratulate and reward them.
The school has a carefully planned personal, social and health education programme called 'The Way of Life Course'. Our pupils attend this course together with students from other local independent schools.